AE Vision & Mission

AE Quality

AE Vision

At Allied Engineers, our ultimate vision is to introduce and implement the latest pipeline & asset integrity management techniques for safe, efficient and cost effective long-term operations.

AE Vision
AE Vision
AE Vision

AE Mission

At Allied Engineers, it is endeavoured to achieve leadership through excellence in the business offerings, through consistent focus on the highest standards of quality and dedication towards superior customer satisfaction.

AE continues to aspire towards the long-term vision, through pioneering spirit and innovation that explores opportunities and higher standards that will lend value to global organizations in the energy sector.

AE achieves their objectives by

  • Selection & recruitment of the best of breed in professionals in the petroleum & energy industry.
  • Conduct regular audits of the operations to understand how best further value can be offered at all times.
  • Continually train, retain and motivate the engineering teams to achieve the highest standards in project delivery.
  • Drive the business growth through integrity driven leadership.
  • Develop and deploy robust processes that ensure paramount quality and value to the customer.

AE Core Values

At Allied Engineers, the importance of integrity and business ethics is understood to ensure that the core
values are maintained and continually strengthened across our business value chain from the top echelons of
the organization to the trainees.

This is reflected through membership with Association of Professional Engineers, Geoscientist of Alberta
(APEGA), Canada. In addition, the Director (Mr. Ashish Khera) is also a certified instructor with
Association for Materials Protection & Performance (AMPP, formerly NACE International) and American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

